To install a network printer first click on Start -> Printers and Faxes
Click on Add a Printer located on the left toolbar in the window that appears.
At the Welcome To Add Printer Wizard screen click Next.
At the next window make sure A Network Printer… is selected then click Next.
In the window you can either type in the printer name or you can browse for the printer. It is recommended that you browse for the printer so make sure Find a printer in the directory is selected then click Next.
Make sure Entire Directory is selected then click Find Now.
Double-click on desired printer.
The next window is where you can choose your newly created printer to be your default printer. Select Yes or No then click Next.
You are now finished adding a network printer. Click Finish and you are ready to start printing your documents.
Windows 2000
To install a network printer first click on Start -> Settings -> Printers
From the Printers Explorer window that appears, double-click the Add Printer icon at the top of the list.
The Add Printer Wizard dialog window appears, choose Next.
At the next window make sure Network Printer is selected then click Next.
Select the first option from the list that appears, which is "Find a printer in the Directory". Then choose Next.
In the window you can either type in the printer name or you can browse for the printer. It is recommended that you browse for the printer so make sure Entire Directory is selected then click Find Now.
Double-click on desired printer.
The next window is where you can choose your newly created printer to be your default printer. Select Yes or No then click Next.
You are now finished adding a network printer. Click Finish and you are ready to start printing your documents.
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Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Trần Huy Phong Số Tài Khoản: 0071002598912 Ngân hàng ngoại thương TP HCM, chi nhánh Bến Thành