Public Function PasswordGenerator(ByVal lngLength As Long) As String
On Error GoTo Err_Proc Dim iChr As Integer Dim c As Long Dim strResult As String Dim iAsc As String Randomize Timer
For c = 1 To lngLength ' Randomly decide what set of ASCII chars we will use iAsc = Int(3 * Rnd + 1) 'Randomly pick a char from the random set Select Case iAsc Case 1 iChr = Int((Asc("Z") - Asc("A") + 1) * Rnd + Asc("A")) Case 2 iChr = Int((Asc("z") - Asc("a") + 1) * Rnd + Asc("a")) Case 3 iChr = Int((Asc("9") - Asc("0") + 1) * Rnd + Asc("0")) Case Else Err.Raise 20000, , "PasswordGenerator has a problem." End Select strResult = strResult & Chr(iChr) Next c PasswordGenerator = strResult
End function Huy Phong |